7 Ways that Servant Leadership Benefits the Leader

A Servant Leader serves the needs of their team members to ensure that the team members have what they need to be successful for the organization.

There are seven ways in which servant leadership serves the leader:

  1. Respect: A Servant Leader who respects his/ her employees and those below him/her, m. ore easily gains respect and love without invoking fear. People who will respect their leader will follow their leader, listen to him/ her and learn from him/ her.

  2. The foresight of the employee: Foresight is the “lead” a leader has. A good leader has foresight regarding what is to come in the industry, market competition and product innovation. A great leader has foresight regarding the employees’ future needs beyond the current needs. Such foresight benefits the employee to grow and develop and benefits the organization to plan contingencies around employees’ moves.

  3. Unleashing the Intelligence of Others: Servant leaders encourage team members to take risks in decision-making and be empowered in creativity and new ideas. This is flourished by the notion of a safe environment for mistakes out of intellectual curiosity.

  4. Skilled Communication: A servant leader who is a skilled communicator communicates with honesty, accuracy, and immediacy. Team members understand their level of performance, accurate expectations, and the reality of the relationship.

  5. Team Building: Servant Leaders build teams by focusing on the positive of the whole versus scapegoating the individual. By encouraging collaborative work and gain the workload is more naturally shared, leading to greater progress and work accomplishments of the team, as a whole.

  6. Achievement: Servant leaders never accept recognition for achievement without acknowledging the natural contribution of their team toward the achievement.

  7. Satisfaction: It has been observed that teams perform more effectively and generously under servant leaders because they are better satisfied with the work that they do, how they do it and how they are recognized for it.

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Have a great day!


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