Group Coaching

The following are some conditions when group coaching may be preferred.

  • You have a shared focus with those in the group. For example, you are working on advancing at work and so are others in the group, you are working on standing up to toxic people and so are others in the group. There is a desired direction that you share with those in the group.

  • You have a shared goal with the group. This is more common when we are referencing a team. For example, the entire team may be aiming to build better relationships with each other.

  • Shared accountability is a benefit of group coaching, because you can choose to allow to hold you accountable for reaching your goals and vice versa.

  • There is an overall connecting and bonding opportunity with multiple others that exists in group coaching that does not exist in 1:1 coaching.

  • Also, group coaching can save on individual costs. The group rate allows for a combined rate that is lower per individual.

  • I host group coaching on various topics as well as welcome exclusive groups that are presented by the client, whether it’s a corporate team or civic group.

Group coaching is very similar to 1:1 coaching in the sense that we are focused on transformation and improvement. However, there are certain times whereas group coaching may be preferred by you. The following are some conditions when group coaching may be preferred.


A collaborative is a working session, 2 or a group of many that are focused on completing a shared, individual goal. Collaboratives are especially powerful when there is a diversity of perspectives. I work with you and your team members to make sure that everyone is heard regardless of how differing the perspectives, approaches and/ or personalities that exist on the team. We aim to take the greatest from everyone in order to jointly develop the best product, decisions and other outcomes.

Feel free to reach out for more information